Posts Tagged ‘Food rules’

Michelle Obama loves candy

January 12, 2010

I’m doing too much all at once right now—too much is never enough!—hence my sporadic posting. However, one of the great joys of the internet is that even when I don’t have as much time to ponder food issues as I want to, I can always go online and find someone who is.

I’ve written about Obamafoodorama before, and my affection for this wacky, informative blog only grows. Today’s post over there (which you can see by clicking the Obamafoodorama link above, as I can’t seem to get a permalink for just that post) is about Michelle Obama’s food rules, which, the author notes, overlap with Michael Pollan’s (outlined in his new book).

Now, I happen to love Michelle Obama, and I happen agree with most of what she believes about food and eating and especially food and eating and children (though I’m guessing that Sasha and Malia probably eat cheese, and thus she probably has one up on me…). But really, it’s rule number six on this list that makes it so perfect for the Eating for Beginners way of life—or should I say, rule number six combined with the rest of them. Because gardening and eating dinner together and combating hunger are all incredibly important, but the best and brightest among us know that sometimes, you just really, really want a candy bar.

Thanks, Obamafoodorama!